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Job Advertisement

1. Sales Representative Corporate & New Business

-The job in question in fact is to representative the Golden Tulip Hotel worldwide. Reaching new potentional customers and business contacts.

-The contents of the job are connecting and interest new and old customes, Move and develop connections that are business related.

-It is required to be a experienced HBO professonal whithin the Tourism business field. But moreover it is important for this function to be dynamic, hospitable, and to take sustainability and development into account.

-This organization is a well-known large commerical Hotel chain.

-The advertisement does not mention if you have to work in a team or not. The reason that i would apply for this kind of job in the future is that I'm interested in the hospitality area and furthermore that I would like to work with international relationships. The words outside, networking, quick and digital appeals me in the advertisment.

-Competency 7: Social and communication skills (interpersonal). Is important for this in my opinion because as a Sales Representive you have to be able to connect, communicate and for this I think you must me social. Attitude and respect play a big part in this.


2. Starting up a own Hotel Restaurant

-Being the owner of my own business. In the future I would love to have my own Hotel in combination with a restaurant.

-I think that the content of this function consist of lot of things. I am afraid that I cannot explain everything, but I absolutly do not underestimate this job and the responsibilities, For example you have to deal with personnal, immige and satisfying customers.

-This job involves a lot.. For example you are responsile for your personnal: you have to train, skill, manage and motivate them in the right way. Moreover you have to deal with suppliers: checking stock levels, payments for this. Cstomers: delevering a certain level of quality that must me stablized any time. This could count in service, food, rooms ... But mosetly coordination, schedualing and organising EVERYTHING.

-As a owner in my opinion it is important to have a stategy for your business and let the customer feel this in everything. In your personnel and in all the products and services you sell. This must be a certain feeling within your organization. A atmosphere in your Hotel that customers could feel anywhere.

-I would prefer to have a medium and informal Hotel.

-Working in teams is very important. I would like to create short lines with my staff since I think communication is most imporant to actually function.

-For me, all of the competencies are important to do this, but most valuable are:

Competency 3: Applying of HRM. Mision and vision must be clear for personnel and someone needs to lead this.

4.1 Draws up a business plan for a start-up company, where commercial, organizational,

financial and legal aspects are presented clearly and in conjunction. Cannot miss this when starting up a business..

7.1 Works together with colleagues, experts and suppliers. Working all toghter is important to make things work in every departement: Good connections with suppliers are very important since you wuld never order too much neither running our of something!

Competency 9: Creating, initiating and marketing of sustainable tourism and/or vitality and wellness

products and services. Sustainability is the future.

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