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Me as a VMT Student

This part of my portfolio gives a description about me as a VMT student. Answered by the following questions:


How would you describe the study programme Vitality & Tourism Management?

​In my opinion the study programme Vitality and Tourism Management is a very diverse programme. Within the first semester we learned a lot about marketing strategies and making reports.  For example the marketing report, Wellness garden report and certain research reports. But besides learning how to make reports, we also learned a lot of practical things. We had a Hospitality week and a lot of additional guest lectures which gives us a good inside of the business field. Due to the second semester, we learned more about starting up a business. And also Human Resource Management became important.

Why did you choose this study programme (motivation)

I chose the VMT study programme because I am really into the Hospitality business. I work in a restaurant for four years now and I love this business. Furthermore, I am willing to start my own business in Hospitality after my studies. However, I prefer to have more work experience first.


Does the programme Vitality & Tourism Management suit you? Why?

​In my opinion, the VMT programme suits to me. I am interested in the courses so far and most of the things are very educative. Especially for my future plan of having my own company.

What are your favourite courses? Explain why

​My favourite course this second semester is HRM because of the workshops we have got. We had to make several online test and therefore, we learned more about ourselves. Besides that I like the 1st year courses Leisure/Tourism since that suits my interests. The Business Plan course was very difficult, however, in the end it was most educative since, we learned the basics of how to start a business.

What kind of student are you?

I am a motivated student when it comes to the subjects that suits me. Moreover, I am good at making reports and projects since I am a little bit perfectionistic and I always want to be in time for deadlines. Therefore, I could be a little bit bossy sometimes. But when it comes to exams, I am a little bit too slop sometimes. I start too late with learning most of the time.. Lastly, I like to give presentations. I think it is good to talk about projects you did, to understand them even more.

How do you learn best? (use outcome of the online course learning how to learn)

I learn best in the library of school. At home, there is too much that distract me. Furthermore, it is important for me to have a strict planning. I make a planning for project and exams and write down what I need to know or what it should include. And the Pomodoro technique is something that works for me, 25 minutes hard working and then a short break.

Explain how you relate to the class values:

Everybody in class (teachers as well of course) deserves to be treated with respect, serious attitude in class to make it as effective as possible, help each other and learn from each other. Furthermore, I think it is important to be in time and behave well during classes, act respectful to teacher and classmates.

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